Sunday, August 1, 2010

A note concerning tangents: (XIII)

Current Location: Denver, CO (pop. ~608,000)
(N39°40.906', W104°58.541', Elev: 5,316 feet)
Distance traveled on leg 13: TBA
Total Distance Traveled: TBA
Expedition Outlook: Revved Up
Yet another destination you might think we fabricated.

It's always nice to be able to begin these broadcasts with good news. In this case, I am pleased to report that Edison has recovered from his case of brain death and rejoined the expedition as active member (as opposed to our cooler, for example, which is a passive member).

Today was largely a another transit day. We strode around Moab in the early afternoon. While the proprietors were pleasant and some of the shops interesting, it was not quite the commercial experience of Frankenmuth, MI. Moab is a nice town, but the park is the gem of the area as far as I am concerned. Speaking of, I regret to report that I was unable to make it back to the park this morning. My body clearly needed the rest and made sure that I got it. I see it as less of a missed opportunity and more as an opportunity to return.

Mountains, and plenty of them.
The scrub land of Utah eventually gave way to the scrub land of Colorado, of which there isn't much. It didn't take us very long to reach what appears to be the eminent terrain style of the Coloradan landscape and which is new to the expedition: frickin' mountainous. Colorado apparently decided to spend all of its left over money on mountains. It is not an exaggeration to say that at least 50% of our trip to Denver from Moab was through the same mountain pass, including multiple tunnels and at least one river crossing. While the terrain was lovely enough, it was so tall and so close that it really prevented one from seeing much of anything or being able to take useful shots of what was actually there. Corona would like to add that she dislikes trying to negotiate steep grades at heights in excess of 7,000 feet. From the tiniest sliver that we've seen thus far it's hard to make a statement about Denver. We'll be venturing briefly into the city on our way out tomorrow so I hope to have more to offer then.

As we don't have much trip news to share, I can give a quick run down on the party:

That's Owen on the left. 
Hannibal has been subdued since we got to Colorado. Perhaps this is bear country and he's feeling some greater purpose and primal call that is calming the raging waves of his inner oceans. Or he could be really hungover. He was unaccounted for for a large portion of last night after we got back from the park.

Edison tried to kill Eloise with a paradox loop while en route. Eloise deflected his attack with only some minor residual effect. Beyond that, things have been going rather smoothly with our Lazarusian navigator.

The Crew Bears have been having a lot of secret meetings. I think Paliachi is concocting a scheme with the other two. If I were Hannibal I'd tread carefully around those girls...

Edison, as I mentioned before, has rebounded in the manner of a weeble that wobbles but never actually falls down. Even as early as one o'clock in the post meridian he was employing his broadsword wit and oblique repartee to great effect. His ability to get sunburns simultaneously on his shins and calves is quite impressive. Speaking of our erudite companion, let's see if he can scrabble anything out into the broadcast without sounding like our good buddy, Das Jü:

[Notes from Edison: Hrm mumble clubberin' Brusha my teef!
No, really, I feel fine. The lixiviation of my brain was only a minor setback, and I'm sure the cravings for sweet sweet human flesh will go away soon enough. Though strawberry gatorade has been proven to be an unsatisfactory substitute for hot red blood. Anyway.
Not much to report today, except for our arrival in Denver and our excitement for the upcoming visit to Carhenge, the only attraction on this entire trip that we were sure we were going to visit before we left. Hopefully it will live up to its hype. Also we were able to meet today with the wonderful Paige, who was kind enough to let us crash at her flat for the evening. You will no doubt be seeing her in tomorrow's post.
For now, I will leave you with this; "A man walks down the street, it's a street in a strange world, maybe it's the Third World, maybe it's his first time around. He doesn't speak the language, he holds no currency, he is a foreign man, he is surrounded by the sound..."
Surreal, that. Well, for now biday and sag olun. Love and Peace, and take care of each other out there. We are not Hobos!]

No sir, we most certainly are not. The make up of our expedition team would be significantly changed (we'd have a lot more baggage for starters), not to mention our technology suite would be an entirely different bag of weasels. Perhaps in a parallel universe hobo equivalents of ourselves are going on a road trip. In the spirit of adventure I wish them godspeed and safe travels. As for us, it is time once again for our curtain call. Bow (only one is necessary Hannibal) and exeunt. Thank you, America, and goodnight. This is the Nickness, signing off:
Thanks for tuning in! On our next episode: Un-Bearable!; Druids, Rev Your Engines!, Dakota Strikes Back!; Ah, I See What You Did There.

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